IGU Presentations

Natural Gas and Renewables

held by the IGU Secretary General, at the Clean Energy Conference, Port of Spain,…

Published on Jun 08, 2017 Download Presentation

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Catalysing the Future – Conclusions

held by the IGU Secretary General, at the Closing Ceremony of the International Gas…

Published on May 26, 2017 Download Presentation

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The Role of Natural Gas in the Energy…

held by IGU Director, Public Affairs, Mr Menelaos (Mel) Ydreos, at the NGV GLOBAL…

Published on Mar 20, 2017 Download Presentation

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Overview on the Global Challenges and Opportunities

held by the IGU Secretary General, Mr Luis Bertrán, at the Iran LNG &…

Published on Feb 14, 2017 Download Presentation

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El Gas Natural y su importancia en los…

Mr Antón Castillo, President PDVSA Gas, Regional Spotlight Workshop – What Does COP 21 Mean…

Published on Nov 02, 2015 Download Presentation

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Industria del gas en Venezuela

Mr Jose Gregorio Prieto, Viceministro de Gas de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, Regional Spotlight…

Published on Oct 24, 2015 Download Presentation

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