Luis Bertrán Rafecas Assumes Position of IGU Secretary General

Barcelona, 3 November 2016 – The International Gas Union (IGU) is pleased to announce that as of 1 November 2016, Mr. Luis Bertrán Rafecas has assumed the position of Secretary General, taking over from Pål Rasmussen.

This transition comes at a pivotal time for the global gas industry. There is increasing understanding of the unprecedented role natural gas can play in the global energy transformation. Natural gas is a vital energy source on its own and in its unique ability to enable and support the greater deployment of renewable energies.

The enhanced use of natural gas in power generation, heating and industry will not only drive economic growth, but also reduce carbon emissions as well as emissions of harmful air pollutants.

With the change in leadership, the IGU’s Secretariat has also relocated from Oslo, Norway to Barcelona, Spain, with Gas Natural Fenosa and Sedigas becoming the new Secretariat host organizations.

David Carroll, President IGU, said, “We congratulate Luis on his new position, and also thank outgoing Secretary General Pål Rasmussen for his leadership and contributions to the IGU over the past two years. We would also like to thank Statoil for their significant and generous contribution to the IGU in hosting the Secretariat for the past nine years, and recognize Gas Natural Fenosa and Sedigas for their willingness to host the new Secretariat.“

Luis Bertrán Rafecas, incoming IGU Secretary General commented, “I am delighted to take up the position as Secretary General and work closely with IGU President David Carroll to further advance the role of natural gas in the global energy mix.”

IGU Secretariat – Office Address:

IGU Secretariat
c/o Gas Natural Fenosa
Plaça del Gas, 1
Building B 3rd floor
08003 Barcelona, Spain

Phone + 34 93 412 97 89
Fax      + 34 93 402 54 26


For further information contact:

Menelaos (Mel) Ydreos
Executive Director, Public Affairs
International Gas Union
+1416 568 8382


About The International Gas Union (IGU)

The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931 and is a worldwide non-profit organisation aimed at promoting the political, technical and economic progress of the gas industry. The Union has more than 150 members worldwide on all continents, representing approximately 97% of the world gas market. The members of the IGU are national associations and corporations within the gas industry worldwide. The IGU organises the World Gas Conference (WGC) every three years, with the forthcoming WGC taking place in Washington, D.C., United States, in June 2018. The IGU’s working organisation covers all aspects of the gas industry from exploration and production, storage, LNG, distribution and natural gas utilisation in all market segments.

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