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  • IGU Podcast: Enbridge “starts early” in project communication & CGA believes in “opportunity for gas” in Canada

The IGU podcast covers the issues that matter to the natural gas industry. It presents the people behind the scenes of the IGU; lets you hear from folks that are important voices on gas; and brings you the state of affairs of our industry.

The show is presented by Hansch van der Velden (Gasunie) and Dimitri Schildmeijer (WPNT Communications) and was recorded a couple of months ago in Toronto. They are both members of the IGU Marketing and Communications committee. The podcast venue was offered by Union Gas, an Enbridge Company.

Episode 1 – Enbridge and the Canadian Gas Association

The podcast was recorded in Toronto with the following guests:

Susan Waller, Vice President Stakeholder Engagement & Enterprise Public Awareness Programs, Enbridge. Enbridge Inc. (HQ Calgary) is Canada’s largest natural gas distribution provider with 16,000 employees and over 27,403 miles of transmission lines and 100,632 miles of distribution lines across North America. Susan talks about the huge challenges of building pipelines across a continent.

Paula Dunlop, Vice President, Corporate and Strategic Affairs, Canadian Gas Association (CGA). CGA members deliver natural gas to 6.8 million homes business and industrial customers. Paula talks about how natural gas wants to also play a role in Canada’s future energy mix. The CGA is a leader in natural gas innovation and recently kicked-off the Natural Gas Innovation Fund to promote clean-tech projects by startups.

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